
By FinancialContent

    getPriceChart allows you to generate intraday & historical stock charts in PNG and SVG format

    Query Parameters:

    Parameter Meaning Data Type
    T Application Key which authenticates you with cloudquote (required) Base64 string
    width Total image (canvas) width in px string
    height Total image (canvas) height in px string
    interval Number of chart days to show (1 = Intraday, > 1 = historical) string
    symbol Comma-delimited list of stock symbols string
    shwidth Chart and footer box bg shadow/extrusion thickness in px string
    fillalpha Filled area chart translucency in percent string
    fillshx Area chart fill shadow x offset in px (positive = east) string
    fillshx Area chart fill shadow y offset in px (positive = south) string
    fillsha Area chart fill shadow alpha string
    ibcolor Canvas background color string
    bgcolor Price region background color string
    bvcolor Volume region background color string
    arcolor Filled area chart color, ignored if a gradient is used string
    lncolor Comma-delimited list of value line colors, corresponding to tickers string
    brcolor Price & volume graph border & tick color string
    shcolor Price & volume graph shadow/extrude color string
    grcolor Price & volume graph grid line color (major) string
    gmcolor Price & volume graph grid line color (minor) string
    txcolor Text color for axis labels, attribution, etc., and tickers if legend is outside chart string
    itcolor Ticker symbol legend text color if legend is inside chart string
    gtcolor Filled area chart gradient color (top/left) string
    gbcolor Filled area chart gradient color (bottom/right) string


    The response is an image, in either SVG or PNG format as requested

    About the Vendor

    FinancialContent is one of the largest providers of stock market data, business news and content syndication tools for online publishers