
By Estimize

    The getEquityCompaniesTickerReleases API returns the past financial releases for the specified company (by ticker).

    Query Parameters:

    Parameter Meaning Data Type
    ticker The ticker symbol of the company String


    An array of release objects where each release has the following properties:

    Field Meaning
    id The unique identifier for the release
    fiscal_year The fiscal year for the release
    fiscal_quarter The fiscal quarter for the release
    release_date The date of the release
    eps The earnings per share for the specified fiscal quarter
    revenue The revenue for the specified fiscal quarter
    wallstreet_eps_estimate The estimated EPS from Wall Street
    wallstreet_revenue_estimate The estimated revenue from Wall Street
    consensus_eps_estimate The mean EPS consensus by the Estimize community
    consensus_revenue_estimate The mean revenue consensus by the Estimize community
    consensus_weighted_eps_estimate The weighted EPS consensus by the Estimize community
    consensus_weighted_revenue_estimate The weighted revenue consensus by the Estimize community