
By Benzinga

    Returns analyst ratings data

    Query Parameters:

    Parameter Meaning Data Type
    T Application Key which authenticates you with cloudquote (required) Base64 string
    date Date to query for calendar data. Shorthand for date_from and date_to if they are the same. Defaults for latest. String (YYYY-MM-DD)
    date_from Date to query from point in time. String (YYYY-MM-DD
    date_to Date to query to point in time. String (YYYY-MM-DD
    tickers One or more ticker symbols separated by a comma. All calendar accept this parameter. String
    importance The importance level to filter by. Uses Greater Than or Equal To the importance indicated { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 } Integer
    updated Records last Updated Unix timestamp (UTC). This will force the sort order to be Greater Than or Equal to the timestamp indicated. Integer
    action Filter by a specific action { Upgrades , Downgrades , Maintains , Lowers , Raises , Initiates Coverage On , Terminates Coverage On } String

    JSON Response:

    The response is an object, containing the following keys:

    Parameter Meaning Data Type
    rows A collection of quote results, in the same order as the symbols requested Array of Object
    rows[...] A single security quote Object

    Fields in rows[...] Object:

    Field Meaning Data Type
    id ID String
    date Datestamp (YYYY-MM-DD) String
    time Timestamp of the action HH:MM:SS format String
    ticker Ticker symbol String
    exchange Exchange the security is traded on String
    name Company name of the security String
    currency Currency security traded in String
    action_pt Action on the price target (Raises, Lowers, Announces, etc) String
    action_company Sell side firm action (Initiates, Reinstates, Upgrades, etc) String
    rating_current Current rating String
    pt_current Current price target for security String
    rating_prior Prior rating for security String
    pt_prior Prior price target for security String
    url Url to the Benzinga ratings page for the security String (URI)
    url_calendar Benzinga rating calendar for security String (URI)
    url_news URL to the Benzinga webpage String (URI)
    analyst Name of sell-side firm String
    analyst_name Name of the analyst String
    importance Importance of the action (scale of 0-5) 0 = least important String
    notes Notes String
    updated Last updated timestamp (UNIX) Integer

    About the Vendor

    Benzinga is a content ecosystem that makes information easier to consume. Benzinga's mission is to connect the world with news, data and education that makes the path to financial prosperity easier for everyone, everyday. From breakouts to unusual volume, analyst ratings, futures and options, Benzinga is the leading full-service, one-stop shop for investors of all stripes and styles.